Crystal Insurance at the top of raising prices
Fu-Wang Food ranks top of transactions
Desh Garments credit ratings completed
Express Insurance going to spot market on Thursday
RD Food’s credit rating completed
SBAC Board meeting on July 25
Uttara Bank board meeting on July 24
UCB board meeting on July 24
RAK Ceramics disclose second Quarter earnings report
Extreme heat sparks wildfires, health warnings
Islamic Finance board meeting on July 23
Lankabangla Finance board meeting on July 26
Fu-Wang Food at the top transactions
PM for revising rate schedules following construction materials’changing prices
People’s Insurance board meeting on July 25
AB Bank board meeting on July 24
International Leasing disclose second Quarter earnings report
International Leasing disclose first quarter earnings report
Padma Islami Life will not pay dividends
Met office forecasts light to moderate rain over country
Midland Bank ranks top of raising prices
Fu-Wang Food at the top of transaction
Social Islami Bank board meeting on July 23
Bangladesh General Insurance board meeting on July 25
Central Insurance board meeting on July 22
C&A Textile board meeting date changed
Agrani Insurance board meeting on July 23
Takaful Islami Insurance board meeting on July 25
Ukraine war: 2 dead after ‘attack’ on Crimea bridge
Fu-Wang Food ranks top of trades