On Thursday, the last working day of the week, Samata Leather Limited rose to the top of the share price increase in the Dhaka Stock Exchange (DSE).
This information is known from DSE sources.
It is known that the share price of the company has increased by 17.52 percent. The company traded Tk 7 lakh 45 thousand 296 shares in 2 thousand 115 times. It’s market value is Tk 5 crore 11 lakh.
The share price of Aftab Automobiles, ranked 2nd in the list, increased by 10.99 percent. The company traded Tk 65 lakh 60 thousand 653 shares in 3 thousand 372 times. Its market value is Tk 20 crores and 99 lakhs.
GQ Ballpen, ranked 3rd in the list, gained 9.98 percent. The company traded 89 thousand 805 shares in 192 times. The market value of which is Tk 1 crore 55 lakh.
Other companies on the list include Emerald Oil 9.96 per cent, ADN Telecom 9.93 per cent, Standard Ceramics 9.79 per cent, Khulna Printing 9.75 per cent, Samrita Hospital 9.28 per cent, Information Services Network 7.62 per cent and Paper Shares of Processing rose 6.67 percent.