On Wednesday the fourth working day of the week, Khan Brothers P.P. Oven Bag Industries Limited was the top of the share price decline in the Dhaka Stock Exchange (DSE).
This information is known from DSE sources.
It is known that the company's share price decreased by 5.59 percent from the previous day. The company traded 12 lakh 53 thousand 675 shares in 1 thousand 896 times. whose market value is Tk 7 crore 83 lakh.
Second in the list, Central Pharma's share price fell by 5.02 percent from the previous day. The company traded 1 crore 25 lakh 94 thousand 363 shares in 5 thousand 246 times. It’s market value is Tk 22 crore 39 lakh.
The share price of Bata Su, ranked third on the list, fell by 4.90 percent from the previous day. The company traded 672 shares in 30 times. The market value of which is Tk 6 lakh.