On Tuesday the second working day of the week on Monday, Rupali Bank Ltd. rose to the top of the share price increase in the Dhaka Stock Exchange (DSE).
This information is known from DSE sources.
It is known that the share price of the company has increased by 9.92 percent. The company traded 10 lakh 96 thousand 810 shares in 1 thousand 90 times. The market value of which is Tk 3 crore 17 lakh.
The second place in the list, Miracle Industries share price increased by 9.86 percent. The company traded 264 thousand 143 shares in 301 times. Its market price is Tk 86 lakhs.
The share price of Crystal Insurance on the 3rd place in the list increased by 9.85 percent. The company has traded 18 lakh 52 thousand 366 shares in 1 thousand 428 times. The market value of which is Tk 10 crore 98 lakh.
Other companies on the list include CAPM IBB Islamic Mutual Fund 8.18 percent, Midland Bank 7.87 percent, Fu-Wang Food 7.80 percent, Sonali Paper 7.49 percent, Northern Islami Insurance 7.49 percent, Continental Insurance 6. .99 percent and Wimax shares rose 6.77 percent.