Pragati Life Insurance Ltd. has risen to the top of share price increase in Dhaka Stock Exchange (DSE) on Wednesday, the fourth working day of the week.
This information is known from DSE sources.
It is known that the share price of the company has increased by 9.99 percent. The company traded 13 lakh 185 shares in 1 thousand 943 times. Its market value is Tk 16 crore 82 lakh.
The share price of Navana Pharma, ranked 2nd in the list, increased by 9.97 percent. The company traded 39 lakh 18 thousand 449 shares in 5 thousand 476 times. Its market value is Tk 37 crore 22 lakh.
The share price of Trust Islami Life Insurance, ranked 3rd in the list, increased by 9.87 percent. The company traded 643 shares in 22 times. The market price of which is Tk 20 thousand.