Bengal Shyampur Sugar Mills Limited has topped the weekly share price decline on the Dhaka Stock Exchange (DSE).
This information is known from DSE sources.
It is reported that the company's share price fell by 9.95 percent during the week. The share traded a total of 75 lakh 22 thousand rupees. Which is an average of Tk 18 lakh 80 thousand 5 million per day.
The share price of Sonali Paper, which ranked second in the list, fell by 9.23 percent. The share traded at a total of Tk 13 crore 23 lakh 90 thousand. Which is an average of Tk 3 crore 33 lakh 97 thousand 500 per day.
The share price of Sea Pearl Hotel, ranked third in the list, fell by 6.72 percent. The share traded a total of Tk 69 crore 67 lakh 15 thousand. Which is an average of Tk 17 crore 41 lakh 78 thousand 750 per day.
Other companies that made it to the list are – Zilbangla Sugar 5.98 per cent, Jute Spinners 5.33 per cent, Beacon Pharma 5.17 per cent, Prime Bank 4.98 per cent, Imam Button 4.10 5.68 per cent, One Bank 3.77 percent and Meghna Pet fell by 3.59 percent.