On Monday, the second working day of the week, shares and units worth Tk 261 crore 73 lakh were traded in Dhaka Stock Exchange (DSE), the main stock market of the country. Bangladesh Shipping Corporation's shares have been traded the most.
This information is known from Dhaka Stock Exchange (DSE) sources.
According to sources, 22 lakh 48 thousand 115 shares of Bangladesh Shipping Corporation were exchanged on Monday (February 27). The financial value of these shares is Tk 28 crore 77 lakh.
Shares of Genex Infosys, which is ranked second in the top list of transactions today, were traded at Tk 16 crore 23 lakh. And the shares of Sea Pearl Hotel, which is on the third place in the list, were traded for Tk 14 crore 97 lakh.