Alhaj Textile Limited has topped the weekly share price increase in the Dhaka Stock Exchange (DSE).
This information is known from DSE sources.
It is known that last week the price of the company increased by 15.12 percent. The share traded a total of Tk 42 crore 34 lakh 9 thousand. Which is an average of Tk 8 crore 46 lakh 81 thousand 800 per day.
The share price of Bengal Winsor, which is second in the list, has increased by 13.91 percent. The share traded at a total of Tk 25 crore 93 lakh 48 thousand. Which is an average of Tk 5 crore 18 lakh 69 thousand 600 per day.
The share price of ADN Telecom, which is ranked third in the list, increased by 10.54 percent. The share traded at a total of Tk 30 crore 72 lakh 76 thousand. Which is an average of Tk 6 crore 64 lakh 45 thousand 400 per day.
Other companies that made the list include – ADN Telecom 10.54 per cent, Munnu Agro 9.67 per cent, Beach Hatchery 7.95 per cent, Apex Spinning 7.79 per cent, Fine Food 6.31 per cent, Apex Footwear 6.27 per cent, ICB AMCL Third NRB increased by 6.15 percent and Bangladesh Lamp by 5.78 percent.