UCB disclose third Quarter earnings report
Stock market Desk , Published: 2022-10-23 15:42:24, Updated: 2022-10-23 15:42:24
![](https://en.sunbd24.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/UCBL-Logo.jpg )
UCB Finance Ltd has disclosed its unaudited earnings report for the third Quarter (July’22- September’ 22).
On Sunday (Octobor 23th) The report was released at a meeting of the company’s board of directors.
As per the disclosure,( July’22- September’ 22) its earnings per share (EPS) has been Tk 0.48 for against one year Tk 0.61
Last 9 months (July’22- September’ 22) has been Tk 1.34 for against one year earnings per share (EPS) was Tk 1.50.
At the same time it’s Net Asset Value Per Share (NAVPS) has been Tk 27.84