DSE approved Ashiq Rahman for the post of CRO with condition
M Ashiq Rahman has been appointed as the Chief Regulatory Officer (CRO) of the Dhaka Stock Exchange (DSE). The regulatory body, the Bangladesh Securities and Exchange Commission (BSEC), on Wednesday (July 7th) conditionally approved his appointment.
Ashiq was appointed as CRO at the DSE board meeting on May 4. Then on May 6, the DSE authorities sent a letter to the commission seeking its approval. In the light of which, the commission has approved the appointment of Ashiq Rahman to the post of CRO.
This information has been known from BSEC sources.
The letter from BSEC said, “It has been decided to approve the appointment proposal of M Ashiq Rahman subject to verification of certain information. However, if he does not join within 30 days, the position is important. It was decided to approve the appointment proposal of Shawkat Jahan Khan (FCMA).
It may be mentioned that in February this year, the board of the Dhaka Stock Exchange (DSE) recommended the appointment of M Ashiq Rahman as the managing director. But due to lack of qualifications, professional experience and skills, the recommendation was rejected by the regulatory body Bangladesh Securities and Exchange Commission (BSEC). He went down one step later and applied for the post of Chief Regulatory Officer (CRO).