The factory will continue to operate even during the seven-day severe lockdown announced by the government to prevent the transmission of corona. However, hygiene rules must be followed. Last year, the factory was similarly operational, but the hygiene rules were not fully complied with. There was also a lack of supervision.
However, the leaders of BGMEA and BKMEA, two organizations of the owners of the readymade garment industry, say that strict action will be taken against the factory if the hygiene rules are not followed. If necessary, the concerned factory will be closed.
The Cabinet Division has imposed strict restrictions on coronavirus infection from April 14 to 21 in a "total lockdown".
The order was issued on Monday (April 12th) after the approval of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina. It is said that the industry will continue to operate under its own management following the hygiene rules. However, it is necessary to ensure that the workers are brought under the management of their own transport by their respective organizations.
However, after a meeting chaired by Cabinet Secretary Khandaker Anwarul Islam yesterday, BGMEA and BKMEA leaders said the factory would remain in lockdown.
The Department of Factory and Establishment Inspection (DIFE) has not yet clarified what kind of hygiene rules must be followed to keep factories under lockdown. But during the first wave of the Corona last year, they gave a guide. At that time, DIFE had asked the factory to run in compliance with the guidelines on occupational safety and health in the prevention and treatment of Covid-19 in the workplace.
Close to our hygiene guidelines and DIFE guidelines. As a result, there is no problem with guidelines. If a factory shows irresponsibility in following hygiene rules, we will shut it down.