Onion prices declined Tk 5 per kg in Hili

Importers have increased the import of onions through Hili land port as the price of onion has gone up recently due to low supply. With the increase in imports, the price of all types of onions has come down by Tk 4-5 per kg. The importers of the port have said that if such trend of onion import continues, there is no possibility of increase in the price of onion in the coming month of Ramadan.
On September 14, 2020, India stopped onion exports on the pretext of onion crisis and price rise. Onion imports resumed on January 2, after a three-and-a-half-month shutdown when India recently lifted the embargo on increased onion production. Onion import has been suspended again from January 27 due to imposition of duty on onion imports and low prices of domestic onions. Recently, the supply of domestic onions started again on March 4 due to low supply and rising prices.