The price of rice is continuously increasing in the markets of the country. The price of coarse rice is increasing by Tk 2-3 per kg and now it is being sold at Tk 50. At this time in 2020 the price was 35-38 rupees. According to the Trading Corporation of Bangladesh (TCB), a state-owned commercial entity, the price of coarse rice has risen by 37 percent in the last one year. The price of medium and thin rice has also gone up.
In the last one week, the prices of Nazirshail and Miniket, two types of thin rice, known as coarse, medium and thin rice, have gone up. Medium quality thin rice is now Tk 60 per kg. Nazirshail and Miniket cost more than Tk 66.
The trader said that the rice which was sold at Tk 64 per kg last week is being sold at Tk 66 this week. Similarly, the price of coarse and medium rice called Swarna has also increased at the same rate. Traders are saying in the previous tone, if the supply is normal, the price will go down.
Agriculture Minister said. Abdur Razzak said that the millers and storekeepers of Bangladesh are still buying paddy. They have increased both the price of paddy and the price of rice. "We do not have a shortage of rice," he said.