The prices of onions imported from India and domestically produced in the country's markets are at almost the same level. As a result, buyers are buying more onions produced in the country as the taste and quality are good. Demand for Indian onions has declined. Due to this, traders and importers of Hili land port of Dinajpur are not able to sell imported onions. Even if you sell, you get a lower price. In this situation, to avoid losses, they have stopped importing onions from India through this land port.
According to the customs station office at Healy land port, 97 tonnes of onions were imported from India in four trucks through the land port on January 9. A total of 24 tons of onions were imported in a truck the next day. On 11 January a truck imported 28 tons and on 12 January a truck imported 25 tons of onions. After that no more onions were imported from India through Healy land port.