Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina on Thursday asked the administration cadre officers to build a nice society taking proper measures against different social diseases like rape, terrorism, militancy and corruption, without considering the identities and political affiliations of the criminals, reports UNB.
“You’ll have to take appropriate measures against some problems such as rape, women repression, creation of juvenile gang, drug abuse, terrorism, militancy and corruption. Don’t consider the identity of anyone rather consider the criminals as criminals,” she said.
The Prime Minister said a criminal is a criminal, no matter which party he belongs to. “So, you’ll have to build the society nicely taking proper measures against the perpetrators considering them as criminals. We want you will do it,” she added.
The Prime Minister was addressing the certificate-giving and closing ceremony of the 116th, 117th and 118th Law and Administration Training Courses at Bangladesh Civil Service Administration Academy in the capital’s Shahbagh area through a videoconference from her official residence Ganobhaban.
State Minister for Public Administration Farhad Hossain presided over the function, while Public Administration Secretary Shaikh Yusuf Harun delivered the welcome address and Rector of the BCS Administration Academy Badrun Nessa placed the report on the courses.
A total of 116 cadre officers --70 males and 46 females -- participated in the three five-month training courses and all the participants have become successful in the courses completed through online classes amid the Covid-19 pandemic.
On behalf of the Prime Minister, Farhad Hossain handed over the rector awards to three best performers - Jisan Bin Majed, Hafizul Haque and Tariqul Islam - of the 116th, 117th and 118th training courses respectively.
Three fresh officials -- Jisan Bin Majed, Hafizul Haque and Nusrat Jahan (116th course) -- spoke on the occasion on behalf of the participants of the three training courses.